For others having problems with the game running slowly - I tried Chrome/Firefox/IE, but I found the most important thing was closing other things that I had running in a browser. Just having a Twitch stream open cut the game's speed in half for me.
Otherwise, this game is charming as hell. The pixel art is lovely and the gameplay is fun. Early levels do a good job introducing new mechanics organically. Impressive for a game made in such a short time frame. I understand the complaints about the player movement working in half-tiles, while most collision/mechanics work with the tiles - I think this is definitely sub-par, but I didn't find it to detract from the game too much.
My main complaint is that there's no WASD controls. Personally using the arrow keys is very awkward for me, possibly due to left-handedness or out of habit. Having WASD with attack/menu bound to other keys for the right hand would make this game waaay more playable for me.